Cheesemakers of Abbot Hill past and present

Evan Smith

I came to the creamery in the summer of 2023 as an apprentice from the world of baking, where I had met Benjamin. I never set out to be a cheesemaker, but when baking started to grow stale for me, I picked up David Asher’s The Art of Natural Cheesemaking and started making small batches of cheese at the bakery in my spare time. I knew I needed to explore the slow and contemplative nature of transforming milk into cheese, so I’ve stayed as the cheesemaker since Imani left.

Benjamin J Meier

Born in Germany, Benjamin, as a teenager, worked on small diverse dairy farms. Fortune brought him to work with dairy cows at the Temple-Wilton Community Farm, a biodynamic farm, where an overproduction of milk inspired him to build the Abbot Hill Creamery.

Benjamin moved on in December of 2022 to become a baker.

Imani Humphries

In spring of 2022 Imani started as an apprentice cheese maker. When Benjamin decided he wanted to take a break from cheese making, Imani took over and stayed until the fall of 2023, when she left to make cheese in Germany and elsewhere in Europe.

Our Apprentices

Jo Abbott (Summer 2023)

I'm excited to be coming to the creamery to learn about cheesemaking. This will be my first time in New Hampshire, although I've lived up and down the east coast my whole life. I've always loved cheese; when I was little sometimes I would ask for a cheesy snack instead of dessert. 

My long-term goal is to open a community center, and in the meantime I want to collect experiences and make connections that will help me towards that dream. Abbot Hill Creamery seemed like a great place to continue to work towards that, and to learn something new that I'm interested in. In my free time, I like to make art, sing and play ukulele, and explore the outdoors. I'm looking forward to meeting everyone, making some cheese, and exploring a new pocket of New England.

Daniel Forrest (Winter 2023)

Daniel Forrest, a Temple local, spent most of his adult life in various types of work including baking, fine carpentry, and teaching students with severe autism and behavioral issues. Food has always been a major aspect of his life and is excited to be starting at Abbot Hill Creamery where he will learn about cheese making and the general operation of a small scale dairy over the next 4 and a half months. Afterwards he will be taking his culinary skills to a local bed & breakfast!

Imani Humphries

(Spring 2022— Summer 2022)

Imani was born in Washington, D.C. and split her time growing up in the city and in eastern panhandle of West Virginia. Her first job as an adult was as a cheesemonger in New York & although cheese was always at the front of her mind, she eventually left to explore working for nonprofits in the arts, education, and agricultural fields. After 8 years, Imani rejoined the cheese world here at Temple-Wilton Community Farm, excited to be making cheese amidst biodynamic farming and cow grazing practices.

Dane Felton (Winter 2021-2022)

Bio in progress!


Nila Ann Dudley (Summer 2021)

Nila was born in Texas, but comes to the farm from Seattle WA where she grew up. Recently she strengthened a long-held interest in agriculture while living at and attending school at an organic farm school in Vermont. Following that interest & recently graduating high school she found herself drawn to Temple Wilton Community Farm’s commitment to deeply-held respect & sincere care for animals, land and people. Nila is very excited to learn to make cheese in such a wonderful place, with wonderful people!


Becka Hendrickson (Spring-Fall 2021) (Nacia)

Nacia found herself captivated by the community and energy here at Temple Wilton Community Farm. Eager to be involved on the farm, she stepped in as an apprentice to fill the gap between Graham and Nila. That time working alongside Benjamin in the cheese world was fulfilling & thoroughly enjoyed. Which left her eager to be a more permenant part of the Abbot Hill crew during her continued stay on the farm with husband & vegetable apprentice, Andrew Hendrickson.

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Graham Taber (Nov 2020-June 2021)

Graham comes to us from the western mountains of Maine where he grew up. He most recently worked as a carpenter and before that was a lobsterman fishing out of Portsmouth, NH. He has a passion for art, philosophy and spirituality. Since childhood cheese has been his favorite food so he is very excited to add cheese making to his list of arts and trades.


Jule Jacobs (April 2020-October 2020)

Jule Jacobs was born outside of Oxford, England, and has grown up living between the UK and New Hampshire. After high school, Jule has continued his education through semester courses, apprenticeships, farming jobs, and here, on Abbot Hill. Jule likes working on, and, with the land, as well as cooking and preparing food. After happening upon the farm, cheese making with Benjamin included a skill he wanted to learn, and his other interests that he could work on.